A fitness lifestyle should be enjoyable!
Researching Performance
& Physique Enhancement
Bill Campbell PhD
I want you to enjoy your fitness lifestyle. I believe the way you enjoy your fitness lifestyle is to have confidence that what you’re doing (in your exercise and nutrition programs) is correct.
I never want anyone to feel like they’re wasting their time or energy on diets that don’t work for them or follow workout programs that are not based on the evidence.
That’s why I’ve dedicated my life to studying the most effective diets and training programs to optimize body composition in a way that is sustainable.
I embrace simplicity without compromising on what works.

My Credentials
I earned my Ph.D. in Exercise, Nutrition, and Preventive Health from Baylor University i 2007. I am currently a Professor of Exercise Science and Director of the Performance and Physique Enhancement Laboratory at the University of South Florida.
I am a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist from the National Strength & Conditioning Association and former president of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (where I am also 1 of 35 individuals to be recognized as a ‘Fellow’ of the organization—an honor reserved for those individuals who have outstanding contributions to the field of sports nutrition).
I’ve published over 200 scientific papers and abstracts, three textbooks, and 20 book chapters in areas related to physique enhancement, sports nutrition, resistance training, and dietary supplementation.
Some of the scientific papers that I’ve published in the physique-enhancement area include:
Effects of high vs. low protein intake on body composition and maximal strength in aspiring female physique athletes engaging in an 8-week resistance training program (published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism)
Flexible vs. rigid dieting in resistance trained individuals seeking to optimize their physiques: a randomized controlled trial (published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition)
Intermittent energy restriction attenuates the loss of fat free mass in resistance trained individuals. A randomized controlled trial (published in the Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology)
Body re-composition: Can trained individuals build muscle and lose fat at the same time? (Published in the Strength and Conditioning Journal)
Changes in body composition and neuromuscular performance through preparation, two competitions, and a recovery period in an experienced female physique athlete (published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research)
Physiological, psychological, and performance-related changes following physique competition: a case-series (published in the Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology)
Effectiveness of diet refeeds and diet breaks as a pre-contest strategy (published in the Strength and Conditioning Journal)
The effect of intermittent diet breaks during moderate energy restriction on body composition and resting metabolic rate in resistance-trained females: A randomized controlled trial (submitted to the Journal of Human Kinetics)

My research articles have been cited by other scientists over 7,000 times and my career h-index is 35 (the h-index is a metric that measures both the productivity and significance of the publications of a scientist).
In 2019, I was honored to receive the Nutritional Research Achievement Award from the National Strength & Conditioning Association, which recognizes a nutritionist for breakthroughs and contributions in the field of nutritional research for athletes.
When I’m not in the lab or teaching my students about exercise and nutrition, I enjoy lifting weights, spending time with my family, and eating buffalo wings.
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